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Sorry for the late reply, I deleted your email

“Sorry for the late reply but I deleted your email” I blinked and read it again. 

It was the opening paragraph to an email from an organisation who had reached out to us to assist with workplace culture and employee engagement.

The email sender was the project coordinator, cultural issues you say? Whoa, I mean….

Here was a classic example of how a poor culture, a poor employee experience impacts all facets of the business.

There I was in the middle of an email chain with an employee who was so unengaged and so unenthusiastic about her employer she didn’t mind me knowing she deleted my email instead of replying. 

Gallup research tells us only 23% of Australian  employees are engaged, of the remainder, 67% are quiet quitting (passively disengaged) and 11% are actively disengaged. Employee disengagement costs the Australian economy $211 Billion (yep with a B) per year

It’s a guess, but I’d say my email mate is actively disengaged. Engaged employees are 4.3x more likely to be proud of their organisation. Proud enough to write professional emails even!

Let’s transform HR together.

If you would like a strategic approach tailored to your specific business needs contact us to arrange an obligation free chat about how we can help.Through impactful HR we create a positive employee experience every time.We aim to create future-focused, people centred HR solutions to accelerate organisational and employee wellbeing, engagement and performance by making HR easy.


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Unpacking Work Wellbeing

Mark McCrindle’s research on work wellbeing is fascinating and highly relevant in today’s fast-paced world. In his extensive studies, Australian researcher, McCrindle delves into the various factors that contribute to a positive and healthy work environment.

One key aspect he explores is the impact of workplace culture on employee wellbeing. It’s not just about the tasks at hand; it’s about creating an atmosphere where employees feel valued, supported, and motivated. McCrindle emphasises the importance of fostering a sense of community within the workplace. This doesn’t mean thinking of your colleagues as family, but rather, acknowledging the significance of positive social connections in the workplace.

Moreover, his research highlights the changing dynamics of work, especially with the rise of remote and flexible working arrangements. The lines between professional and personal life are becoming increasingly blurred, and McCrindle’s insights shed light on how organisations can adapt to these changes to ensure the wellbeing of their employees.

Another crucial aspect of McCrindle’s work revolves around the role of leadership in promoting wellbeing. He emphasises the need for leaders to not only set clear expectations and goals but also to actively support and nurture their team members. This involves recognising individual strengths, providing constructive feedback, and fostering a culture of continuous learning and development.

Incorporating well-being initiatives into the workplace is a key takeaway from McCrindle’s research. This goes beyond traditional employee benefits; it involves creating programs and policies that prioritise mental and physical health. From flexible work hours to mental health days, these initiatives contribute to a more holistic approach to employee wellbeing.

Mark McCrindle’s research provides valuable insights into the multifaceted nature of work wellbeing. By understanding the significance of workplace culture, adapting to changing work dynamics, and prioritising leadership and wellbeing initiatives, organisations can create environments where employees not only thrive professionally but also enjoy a fulfilling and balanced life.

If you would like a strategic approach tailored to your specific business needs contact us to arrange an obligation free chat about how we can help.Through impactful HR we create a positive employee experience every time.We aim to create future-focused, people centred HR solutions to accelerate organisational and employee wellbeing, engagement and performance by making HR easy.


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How to micromanage your way to zero motivation

We’ve all heard horror stories about bosses breathing down employees’ necks, checking every tiny detail. But is micromanagement always a bad thing?

Imagine this: You’re working on a project, pouring your heart into it, and suddenly, your manager is scrutinising every move you make. Frustrating, right? Well, that’s micromanagement in action.

Now, don’t get me wrong. Sometimes, a bit of guidance is helpful, especially for new projects or team members. It’s like having a GPS that gently nudges you in the right direction. However, when the GPS starts giving you turn-by-turn directions for every step, that’s when things get tricky.

Micromanagement often stems from a desire for control, but here’s the catch – it can stifle creativity and demotivate your team. People want to feel trusted and empowered to use their skills. When every decision is questioned, it’s like being on a tight leash.

So, what’s the secret sauce? Finding the right balance. It’s about being involved enough to provide support and guidance without suffocating your team. Think of it as being a coach rather than an overbearing referee.

Communication is key. Regular check-ins are great, but let your team breathe between updates. Encourage open dialogue, so if they need help, they know you’re there. It’s like having a safety net without feeling like you’re being watched 24/7.

Empowerment is another game-changer. Trust your team to make decisions. When they feel valued and trusted, their creativity and productivity skyrocket. It’s like giving them the keys to the car – they’ll drive better when they know you believe in their skills.

In a nutshell, micromanagement isn’t the villain; it just needs a makeover. It’s about finding that sweet spot between guidance and independence. So, leaders, put on your coaching hats, trust your team, and watch the magic happen! 

If you would like a strategic approach tailored to your specific business needs contact us to arrange an obligation free chat about how we can help.Through impactful HR we create a positive employee experience every time.We aim to create future-focused, people centred HR solutions to accelerate organisational and employee wellbeing, engagement and performance by making HR easy.


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The Power of Person Centred Leadership

In researching this blog I read the following passage; “In the realm of leadership, a revolutionary approach has been gaining momentum over the past few years – person centred leadership.”

Is considering the impact of your actions on your employees revolutionary? Valuing people, having empathy, giving people a voice and choice, is this revolutionary?

Who’d have thought valuing our employees for their individual qualities and impact they can make to our teams was so radical.

This approach (person -centred leadership) flips the traditional top-down model on its head and places the focus squarely on the individuals within an organisation. It’s a philosophy that acknowledges the profound impact of valuing and empowering individuals, not just as employees, but as unique human beings with their own aspirations, strengths, and needs.

When researching the impact of employee experience (EX) to business outcomes Josh Bersin and his team of researchers concluded :

“Human-centered leaders inspire trust in the organisation, communicate transparently, behave with integrity and authenticity, and model the kinds of cultures that will lead us to EX transformation. Without the right leadership mindset, capabilities, and behaviors, any progress in EX will be short-lived and unsustainable. At every point in the process, we must make an active, conscious effort to put our people first. Even if we have nothing else to invest in EX, if we focus on driving people-centered leadership, we will be making great strides.”

Graphic: Josh Bersin Research

At its core, person centred leadership is about recognising that the success of an organisation is intricately tied to the wellbeing and growth of its people. This leadership style prioritises creating an environment where individuals are not just cogs in the machine, but valued contributors who are encouraged to bring their authentic selves to work.

In the Employee Experience: The Definitive Guide, Josh Bersin Research identified the biggest drivers of employee experience. The items with most impact were those that offered purpose, empathy, transparency, a sense of belonging and development beyond the financial goals of the organisation.

It’s a mindset shift that has the potential to revolutionise workplaces. By prioritising the wellbeing and growth of individuals, organisations can create a culture where people thrive, collaboration flourishes, and performance soars.

In a world where human capital is the driving force behind success, person centred leadership is a beacon guiding us towards a brighter, more harmonious future in the realm of leadership and management.

If you would like a strategic approach tailored to your specific business needs contact us to arrange an obligation free chat about how we can help.Through impactful HR we create a positive employee experience every time.We aim to create future-focused, people centred HR solutions to accelerate organisational and employee wellbeing, engagement and performance by making HR easy.


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Cultivating a Healthy Workplace Culture 

Hey there! Today, we’re diving headfirst into the colourful world of workplace culture green flags.

Just like a blooming garden, a healthy work environment thrives when nurtured with positivity, collaboration, and genuine support. So, put on your gardening gloves and join me as we explore the refreshing essence of green-flag workplaces!

Open Communication – Picture this: you’re in a meeting, and your opinion is not only valued but actively sought after. In a workplace with open communication, ideas flow freely, and every voice matters. Green flag alert! This culture encourages transparency, active listening, and constructive feedback.

A Growth Mindset – Just like plants that grow towards the sun, green-flag workplaces nurture a growth mindset. These organisations invest in employee development, fostering continuous learning opportunities and career advancement. They understand that when their people thrive, so does the company.

Flexibility and Work-Life Balance – Flexible work arrangements and a focus on work-life balance are the greenest of all green flags! Acknowledging that employees have lives outside of work, these companies offer the freedom to balance personal commitments with professional responsibilities. As a result, the workforce feels more energised and productive.

Diverse and Inclusive – Diversity is the essence of life, and green-flag workplaces embrace it wholeheartedly. They understand that diverse perspectives lead to innovative solutions. These companies cultivate an inclusive culture, ensuring everyone’s voice is heard and valued, irrespective of their background.

Empowering Leadership – Green-flag leaders are not just managers; they are mentors, coaches, and cheerleaders. They empower their teams, providing guidance and support while trusting employees to make informed decisions. This nurturing leadership style promotes autonomy and fosters a sense of ownership in the workforce.

Embracing Mistakes as Learning Opportunities – In a green-flag environment, making mistakes is not a taboo; it’s a chance to grow. Employees are encouraged to learn from their errors rather than fearing repercussions. This supportive approach fosters a culture of innovation and risk-taking.

As you embark on your professional journey, keep an eye out for workplace culture green flags. These subtle indicators can guide you towards an environment where you’ll thrive, grow, and feel fulfilled. So, choose wisely, and remember that your happiness and fulfilment at work matter just as much as the tasks you perform.

If you would like a strategic approach tailored to your specific business needs contact us to arrange an obligation free chat about how we can help.Through impactful HR we create a positive employee experience every time.We aim to create future-focused, people centred HR solutions to accelerate organisational and employee wellbeing, engagement and performance by making HR easy.


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The proverbial Elephant in the Room

Less than 50% of apprentices will complete their trade qualification.

No, you didn’t misread the subject line, less than 50% of apprentices Australia wide complete their trade.

WA fares slightly better with 57% of apprentices undertaking automotive, engineering, construction and electrical trades actually seeing out their 4 year qualification.

There is no doubt this is impacting the skills shortage, and your ability to grow your organisation.

In the 12 months ending March 2023,  2,815 apprentices commenced an automotive trade in WA. From those numbers only 1,689 will likely complete based upon trend data supplied by the National Centre for Vocational Education Research.

I’ve seen the strengths and weaknesses of the apprenticeship experience from both a professional and personal perspective.   I have 2 sons who’ve both completed automotive trade apprenticeships in recent years. When I told them of these stats one said “I had a few cobbas I went to TAFE with drop out because they didn’t like doing sh*t jobs” “It’s those jobs that make you though”

What if those jobs were re-framed? What if your leaders and apprentice masters could re-frame the work to engage greater motivation? What would that look like?

Everybody needs purpose and meaning to their work, educating employees and leaders how to translate this into employee engagement is our jam. It’s what we live for.

And it’s not just blue collar trades with terrible non-completion rates. Only 41% of business services trainees, 60% of community services trainees and 40% of hairdressers complete their training.

Experts say poor work conditions, bullying and low wages are the leading factors contributing to high non-completion rates.

What do we think? Workplace culture ➡️ leadership & the way employees experience working for you.

When looking to improve business results where do leaders spend most of their time? 26% on workplace culture and 74% on strategy.

What has the most impact on business results?

96% culture, 4% strategy.

You can take a strategic approach to the skills shortage by putting more and more people through training, or you can have an intentional focus on workplace culture and leverage employee engagement and experience strategies to reach the untapped potential in your workforce.

If you would like a strategic approach tailored to your specific business needs contact us to arrange an obligation free chat about how we can help.Through impactful HR we create a positive employee experience every time.We aim to create future-focused, people centred HR solutions to accelerate organisational and employee wellbeing, engagement and performance by making HR easy.


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Navigating the Cultural Shift: Changing Workplace Culture 

Hey there, fellow adventurers in the world of HR! Today, we’re embarking on an exciting journey through the ups and downs of transforming workplace culture. Just like exploring uncharted territories, changing the culture of a workplace is an adventure filled with challenges, discoveries, and triumphs. So, grab your map, pretend we are in Jumanji, and let’s delve into the unexplored realm of cultural change!

The Comfort Zone Conundrum Picture this: your office is like a cozy living room, familiar and comfortable. The first challenge of changing workplace culture is getting people out of that comfort zone. Humans are creatures of habit, and stepping into the unknown can be daunting. It takes time and effort to encourage employees to embrace change and embrace the journey ahead.

Resistance Monsters Lurking As with any great adventure, you’ll encounter some resistance monsters along the way. People might question the need for change, fear the uncertainty it brings, or simply prefer the old ways. Overcoming this resistance requires effective communication, empathy, and addressing concerns head-on.

Patience: The Virtue of the Explorer In a world of instant gratification, changing workplace culture requires the patience of a seasoned explorer. Cultural shifts don’t happen overnight. It’s been likened to turning a great big cargo ship – slow.

The Legend of Unwritten Rules Unwritten rules can be the hidden traps in your cultural journey. They are the norms and behaviours that exist but are never explicitly stated. Changing culture means challenging these unwritten rules, which can lead to discomfort and resistance. Identifying and addressing them is essential for a successful transformation.

Leaders as Trailblazers A cultural shift needs strong and visionary leaders to lead the way. Leaders must champion the change, embody the new culture, and inspire others to follow. However, not all leaders may be on board initially, and aligning their vision with the change can be a challenge in itself.

The Siren Call of Past Habits Even as the winds of change blow, the echoes of the past can be alluring. Employees may be tempted to fall back into old habits and practices, hindering the cultural transformation. Reinforcing new behaviours and celebrating successes are vital to keep everyone on course.

Staying True to the North Star In the midst of challenges and uncertainties, it’s essential to keep sight of the cultural North Star – the values and principles guiding your journey. Staying true to these guiding lights will provide direction and help you navigate through rough waters.

Celebrating Small Wins Remember, even in the toughest challenges, there are small victories worth celebrating. Acknowledge and appreciate the progress made, however minor it may seem. These celebrations act as morale boosters and keep the team motivated to continue the expedition.

The Endless Odyssey Changing workplace culture is not a one-time adventure but an endless odyssey. It’s an ongoing process that requires adaptability and a willingness to learn from every experience. Cultures evolve, and so should your approach to nurturing them.

If you would like a strategic approach tailored to your specific business needs contact us to arrange an obligation free chat about how we can help.Through impactful HR we create a positive employee experience every time.We aim to create future-focused, people centred HR solutions to accelerate organisational and employee wellbeing, engagement and performance by making HR easy.


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It’s the standard your leaders set that determines workplace culture

Cold hard facts, every time a member of your leadership team walks past a behaviour thats contrary to your values you are eroding your culture.

Employees see it, they hear about it and they no longer believe us when we talk about our values. It unravels HR’s hard work and it exposes your leaders to your employees for what they really stand for (hint** it’s not those bright shiny values posted all around the workplace)

But what is workplace culture exactly? Because living the organisational values is just 1 element.

When I first commenced in HR my mentor at the time said “Being a good leader is essentially being a decent human being” It’s being the person you were taught to be as a kid – be kind, treat others how you want to be treated, include others, do the right thing not the thing that benefits only you. You get the picture.

Your workplace culture is the sum of your leadership team

  • It’s their leadership capability
  • It’s the systems and processes they put in place (and how human they are)
  • It’s the way they speak to, and treat other people
  • It’s the standard they walk past and the behaviours they reward
  • It’s how they treat whistleblowers
  • It’s how they deal with the brilliant jerks
  • It’s the messages they send employees about what is required to succeed in your organisation
  • It’s whether humanity exists within leadership decisions and actions
  • It’s too heavy of a focus on business outcomes at the detriment to the human factor of the workplace

“It’s too heavy of a focus on business outcomes at the detriment to the human factor of the workplace” Let me present this to you another way, your workplace culture is how you achieve business results.

Do you encourage a bit of sneaky shortcutting to get there quicker? Is it all about the number on the P&L and therefore the areas of driving a positive culture (the human elements) are not invested in. Employees are a means to achieving shareholder outcomes at all costs, and it shows in your employee metrics.

Yes, business outcomes need to be achieved and we should be looking for ways to drive productivity, but it has to go hand in hand with the employee experience.

But what if I told you that a human centred approach to leadership, culture and engagement could generate up to 17% higher profit?

Imagine the financial benefits to reduced recruitment expenses, minimising the loss of productivity from absenteeism and onboarding new employees? Your reputation as an employer – the way your current and ex employees speak about you?

The role of the leadership team is to understand culture, how it impacts the bottom line and the integral role they play in building culture.

“The culture of an organisation is shaped by the worst behaviours your leaders are willing to tolerate”

“Your culture is how your employees feel about work Monday morning on Sunday night”

“Culture is the way things are done around here”

Regardless of how you say it culture isn’t a HR responsibility, it’s everyones responsibility and it’s driven from the top.

You can read more about culture & leadership here, here and here.

If you would like a strategic approach tailored to your specific business needs contact us to arrange an obligation free chat about how we can help.

Through impactful HR we create a positive employee experience every time.

We aim to create future-focused, people centred HR solutions to accelerate organisational and employee wellbeing, engagement and performance by making HR easy.


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