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It takes 5 years to repair a toxic culture

It takes 5 years to repair a toxic culture 😳 speaking to the This Is Work podcast, Australian organisational psychologist Emily Douglass gave an insight into toxic cultures, the sheer amount of work and commitment required to start to make a difference, and the buy in from leadership (at all levels) required to see momentum and genuine change.

There is no hack for doing away with a toxic culture 🪄

So, how do you know if you have a toxic culture? The first sign is probably that you felt the need to ask the question “is our culture toxic?”

Next, look to your workforce, because it is telling you. The most obvious sign is turnover and lack of tenure. Sickness; not just fake sickies but signs that the toxicity has permeated every day life. Anxiety, stomach issues, fatigue, mental health impacts. For employees it’s things like snapping at your family when you get home, being too tired to do the things you enjoy, the Sunday night dread. The effects of a toxic workplace on your wellbeing aren’t immediate, they slowly seep in, infecting your life. Just like exposure to a toxic chemical.

And then there is engagement. As it is, only about 20% of Australian employees are engaged, imagine how low that figure is at toxic workplaces. Classic signs are employees doing the bare minimum. Just enough to get by and not draw attention to themselves. It doesn’t even have to be intentional, a by product of a toxic workplace is that psychological shift to not caring, not caring about making an effort for the team, the organisation or for themselves.

If you’ve listened to me bang on about engagement you’ll know it’s the psychological connection to the work and the organisation that triggers discretionary effort, creating the level of engagement that is directly tied to achieving business outcomes.

Let’s talk numbers.

Lack of employee engagement costs the Australian economy about $200 billion per year. What influences engagement? Leadership, Directors, Boards, the business owner. Employee engagement levels are a direct reflection of leadership capability. In fact, the direct manager is responsible for 70% of the lack of engagement and employee turnover within their team.

Psychological and psychosocial workplace injury claims cost the Australian economy between $12.2 billion and $39.9 billion annually. Lost productivity due to serious mental health injury claims is more than 4x all other workplace injury claims Australia wide. Unsure of what psychological safety is? Our free fact sheet can be downloaded HERE

An intentional focus on culture & engagement via our EX solution can increase profit by 17%, increase productivity by 18%, reduce absenteeism by 83% and see a 64% reduction to safety incidents.

Changing culture is playing the long game. It’s reprogramming long held habits, it’s gaining trust and buy in, it’s examining structures to question their value.

Let’s transform HR together. 

If you would like a strategic approach tailored to your specific business needs contact us to arrange an obligation free chat about how we can help.Through impactful HR we create a positive employee experience every time.We aim to create future-focused, people centred HR solutions to accelerate organisational and employee wellbeing, engagement and performance by making HR easy.


Appointing leaders; be intentional

Why Choosing the Right Leaders Is Your Secret Sauce for Workplace Success

Today, let’s dive into a topic that’s often underestimated but packs a powerful punch in shaping your company’s destiny: leadership selection. Yep, you heard that right. It’s not just about filling a managerial position; it’s about handpicking the architects of your company culture, the captains of your ship, the conductors of your workplace symphony. All the metaphors!

Let’s talk about why being intentional about who you choose as your leaders is an absolute game-changer.

First off, leaders aren’t just there to delegate tasks and hold meetings. They’re the heartbeat of your organisation. They set the tone, drive motivation, and inspire greatness in others. Imagine a leader who radiates positivity, fosters collaboration, and genuinely cares about the growth of their team. Now, picture the opposite – someone who micromanages, instills fear, and lacks empathy. Big difference, right?

When you’re deliberate about selecting your leaders, you’re essentially crafting the DNA of your workplace culture. Think of it like planting seeds in a garden. You wouldn’t toss just any old seeds into the soil and hope for the best, would you? Of course not! You’d carefully select the ones with the potential to bloom into beautiful flowers. The same goes for choosing leaders – you want individuals who align with your company values and vision, and who have the skills to nurture a thriving environment.

But it’s not just about picking leaders who look good on paper or dazzle in interviews. It’s about digging deeper. What are their leadership styles? Do they lead with empathy and integrity? Are they adaptable and open to feedback? These qualities aren’t always obvious at first glance, which is why it’s crucial to have a robust selection process in place.

Learn about our boutique recruitment agency

Now, let’s talk about the ripple effect of choosing the right leaders. When you have strong, capable leaders at the helm, magic happens. Employee engagement soars, productivity levels skyrocket, and turnover rates plummet. Why? Because people want to work for leaders they respect and admire. They want mentors who invest in their growth and champions who have their back when times get tough.

On the flip side, when leadership selection is an afterthought or, dare I say, a mere formality, the consequences can be dire. Toxic leadership breeds discontent, saps morale, and ultimately drives talented employees out the door. And let’s not forget the financial implications – the cost of turnover, decreased productivity, and tarnished reputation can take a serious toll on your bottom line.

So, what’s the takeaway here? Don’t treat leadership selection like a box-ticking exercise. Approach it with the same level of care and consideration as you would any other critical business decision. Invest the time and resources into finding leaders who not only have the right skills but also embody the values and culture you want to cultivate.

Remember, your leaders aren’t just leading teams; they’re shaping futures. Choose wisely, and watch your organisation flourish. Until next time, keep leading with intention!

Learn about our CliftonStrengths tool here, understand your leaders strengths, how they can leverage these for greater success and how they may impact negatively.

Let’s transform HR together. 

If you would like a strategic approach tailored to your specific business needs contact us to arrange an obligation free chat about how we can help.Through impactful HR we create a positive employee experience every time.We aim to create future-focused, people centred HR solutions to accelerate organisational and employee wellbeing, engagement and performance by making HR easy.


When Good Intentions Go Awry: Learning from Failed Inventions and HR Processes

Today, let’s dive into a realm where innovation meets misjudgment: failed inventions. You know, those gadgets that promised to change our lives but ended up collecting dust in the attic? Yeah, those. But fear not, because we’re going to extract some valuable lessons from these blunders and apply them to our beloved HR processes.

    Remember “The Clapper”? The gadget that allowed you to turn on/off lights with a clap? Seems convenient, right? Well, until your dog’s bark sets it off at 3 a.m. Similarly, some HR systems are designed without considering the end user experience. They might promise efficiency but end up burdening employees with endless logins, convoluted processes, and enough passwords to rival Fort Knox. Lesson learned: Keep it simple and user-friendly, folks.

      Ah, the Segway, hailed as the future of personal transportation. But alas, it didn’t quite revolutionise commuting as predicted. Why? Perhaps because it required users to master the art of balancing on two wheels while navigating city streets. Similarly, some HR policies are so convoluted that deciphering them feels like mastering quantum physics. When policies become too complex, they hinder rather than facilitate productivity. Lesson learned: Simplify policies to empower employees, not confuse them.

        Google Glass promised to integrate technology seamlessly into our lives. However, it also sparked concerns about privacy invasion, with wearers capable of recording others without their consent. In HR, excessive surveillance can have a similar effect. Implementing invasive monitoring tools might seem like a way to boost productivity, but it can erode trust and breed resentment among employees. Lesson learned: Respect privacy and autonomy in HR practices to foster a culture of trust.

          Let’s talk about Juicero, the $400 juicer that squeezed pre-packaged juice packs. Sounds convenient, right? Well, until users discovered they could achieve the same result with their bare hands. Sometimes, HR solutions suffer from a similar fate – over-engineered, overpriced, and ultimately unnecessary. Investing in flashy HR technology without considering its actual impact on employees is like buying a $400 juicer for pre-packaged juice packs. Lesson learned: Prioritise practicality and relevance in HR investments.

          So, what’s the takeaway from all this? Simple: In both product design and HR processes, success hinges on understanding and prioritising the needs of the end user. *Human Centred Design* Whether it’s avoiding overly complex systems or respecting individual privacy, putting people first is the golden rule. After all, the best inventions – and HR processes – are the ones that make life easier, not harder.

          Until next time, keep innovating, keep empathising, and keep making HR rock! 🚀

          Let’s transform HR together. 

          If you would like a strategic approach tailored to your specific business needs contact us to arrange an obligation free chat about how we can help.Through impactful HR we create a positive employee experience every time.We aim to create future-focused, people centred HR solutions to accelerate organisational and employee wellbeing, engagement and performance by making HR easy.


          Strategic Talent ACQUISITION

          Now, I know what you might be thinking, “Recruitment? How exciting can that be?” Well, hold onto your hats because we’re about to uncover the hidden gems of strategic talent acquisition and its impact on your business performance.

          Imagine your business as a ship sailing through the vast ocean of markets and competition. What’s the wind in your sails? It’s your people—the talented individuals who steer your ship toward success. But here’s the catch: finding the right talent isn’t just about filling seats; it’s about strategically assembling a crew that propels your ship forward with precision and power.

          A professional talent acquisition function isn’t just about sending out job postings and crossing your fingers. It’s about crafting a compelling employer brand that attracts top-notch talent like a magnet. Think of it as setting up a beacon that shines brightly in the talent pool, drawing in the best and brightest minds who align with your company’s values and vision.

          In today’s ever-evolving business landscape, knowledge is power. A knowledgeable talent acquisition team doesn’t just skim the surface of resumes—they dive deep into the talent pool, armed with insights and expertise that uncover hidden gems. By understanding your industry inside and out, they’re able to identify candidates who not only have the right skills but also the potential to drive innovation and growth within your organisation.

          But wait, there’s more!

          Strategic talent acquisition isn’t a one-size-fits-all approach; it’s a carefully crafted game plan tailored to your unique business goals and objectives. It’s about forecasting future talent needs, building talent pipelines, and nurturing relationships with candidates long before they even think about applying. It’s like playing chess, where every move is strategic and calculated, leading you closer to checkmate—aka achieving your business goals.

          So, what’s the bottom line? The impact of a professional, knowledgeable, and strategic talent acquisition function on your business performance is nothing short of game-changing.

          It’s about building a workforce that isn’t just skilled but also passionate and committed to seeing your company succeed. It’s about transforming recruitment from a cost centre into a strategic asset—one that drives innovation, fosters growth, and ultimately propels your business to new heights.

          In conclusion, dear readers, never underestimate the power of strategic talent acquisition. It’s not just about filling roles; it’s about shaping the future of your business. So, invest wisely and hire strategically.

          Let’s transform HR together. 

          If you would like a strategic approach tailored to your specific business needs contact us to arrange an obligation free chat about how we can help.Through impactful HR we create a positive employee experience every time.We aim to create future-focused, people centred HR solutions to accelerate organisational and employee wellbeing, engagement and performance by making HR easy.


          HR lessons from Romy & Michelle

          Today, let’s dive into the quirky world of Romy and Michelle’s High School Reunion, aka. the greatest movie ever made, and draw some unexpected parallels with the dynamic realm of Human Resources.

          While HR might not involve post-it notes and a reunion dance routine, there are some valuable takeaways we can extract from this cult classic. Before we get started, do you have some sort of business woman special?

          Reinvention is Key:

          Remember how Romy and Michelle decided to reinvent themselves before their high school reunion? In the HR world, staying ahead means embracing change. As an HR professional, you’re not just managing policies; you’re sculpting an environment that adapts and evolves with the times. Stay open to new ideas, trends, and technologies to keep your HR game strong.

          Innovation to impress:

          Remember Romy and Michelle’s claim to fame – the invention of Post-Its? Well, HR might not be inventing office supplies, but it does involve constant innovation. Crafting engaging employee policies, introducing creative benefits, and finding innovative solutions to workplace challenges are all part of the HR game.

          Communication is Everything:

          Communication blunders and misunderstandings are the heart of Romy and Michelle’s escapades. In the HR universe, effective communication is the linchpin of a thriving workplace. From drafting clear policies to facilitating open dialogue between employees, your communication skills can make or break the employee experience.

          Authenticity Wins:

          Romy and Michelle, though a bit eccentric, were unapologetically themselves. In HR, authenticity is just as crucial. Building trust with employees, being transparent in communications, and genuinely caring about their well-being contribute to a positive workplace culture.

          Teamwork Makes the Dream Work:

          Our leading ladies achieved success by working together. Similarly, in HR projects, collaboration is the key to success. Whether it’s rolling out a new engagement initiative or implementing a recruitment strategy, involving different perspectives within the HR team can lead to more comprehensive and effective solutions.

          Continuous Learning:

          In their attempt to impress, Romy and Michelle dove into self-improvement with gusto. Similarly, HR professionals need to be lifelong learners. Stay updated on HR trends, employment laws, and industry best practices. Embrace learning opportunities, whether through workshops, certifications, or industry conferences, to stay at the top of your HR game.

          Employee Engagement is the Dance floor:

          The dance routine at the reunion symbolises the vibrant energy of a workplace with engaged employees. As an HR generalist focused on employee engagement, your goal is to create an environment where employees feel motivated to give their best performance. Foster a workplace culture where everyone is excited to hit the metaphorical dance floor every day.

          The world of HR may not involve high school reunions or dance-offs, but the parallels with Romy and Michelle’s journey are undeniable. So, whether you’re reinventing your workplace, crafting compelling narratives, finding the perfect fit, choreographing the workplace dance, or keeping it real and compliant – HR, like our favourite duo, is here to make it all happen.

          Let’s transform HR together. 

          If you would like a strategic approach tailored to your specific business needs contact us to arrange an obligation free chat about how we can help.Through impactful HR we create a positive employee experience every time.We aim to create future-focused, people centred HR solutions to accelerate organisational and employee wellbeing, engagement and performance by making HR easy.


          HR – The real MVP’s

          Today, let’s talk about the real MVPs of your organisation – the Human Resources team! 🌟 and we don’t just say that as HR professionals ourselves 😉

          You might be wondering, “Do we really need HR?” Well, buckle up, because we’re about to unravel the undeniable magic that HR brings to the table. So grab your coffee, kick back, and let’s dive into the wonderful world of Human Resources!

          1. Talent Whisperers 🧙‍♂️:

          Ever met someone who can spot the perfect candidate from a mile away? That’s your friendly neighborhood HR superhero! With a sixth sense for untapped potential, they don’t just fill roles; they bring in the A-team that turns your workplace into a powerhouse of talent.

          2. Policy Pioneers 📜:

          Think of HR policies as the unsung heroes of a well-oiled machine. Our HR maestros not only craft these policies with finesse but also ensure they’re the guiding lights, steering your organisation away from chaos. The key to great policies is treating your employees like adults, asking them to act in the best interests of the organisation but not be so explicit they lose the ability to think and make judgments for themselves. To provide clarity around standards and behaviours that align to your values and the culture you want to create. Because let’s face it, a workplace without standards is like a rollercoaster without safety harnesses – thrilling but not recommended!

          3. Employee Happiness Architects 😊:

          Ever walked into your workplace with a smile on your face, wondering, “What’s the secret sauce here?” Spoiler alert: It’s the HR team sprinkling joy and satisfaction! They support and enable the leadership team to build a workplace people just can’t say no to. From engagement initiatives to wellbeing programs, they’re the architects of a happy, motivated workforce. Because a happy employee is a productive employee!

          4. Crisis Navigators 🚀:

          In the turbulent seas of workplace challenges, who’s your trusty navigator? HR, of course! Whether it’s a stormy termination or a rocky conflict resolution, HR professionals don their superhero capes to guide the ship safely to shore. Crisis averted, thanks to our skilled HR heroes!

          5. Culture Custodians 🌐:

          Building a workplace culture isn’t a one-time task; it’s an ongoing masterpiece. HR doesn’t just create culture; they work with leadership to nurture it, shaping it into a symphony of collaboration, innovation, and camaraderie. Because, let’s face it, your culture will exist whether you create it or not. Wouldn’t you rather write the song than have it written for you?

          So, why do organisations need HR? Because they’re the glue that holds everything together, the architects of harmony in the workplace symphony. Without HR, your organisation might resemble a rudderless ship, lost in the vast sea of business challenges.

          In a nutshell, HR isn’t just a department; it’s a mindset, a philosophy, and a guardian angel for your organisation’s success. Next time you see your HR team in action, give them a virtual high-five – they’re the real MVPs making sure your workplace sails smoothly through the tides of business!

          Let’s transform HR together. 

          If you would like a strategic approach tailored to your specific business needs contact us to arrange an obligation free chat about how we can help.Through impactful HR we create a positive employee experience every time.We aim to create future-focused, people centred HR solutions to accelerate organisational and employee wellbeing, engagement and performance by making HR easy.


          Who we are

          The more things change, the more the attitudes of the young and old stay the same

          I was listening to a podcast the other night, The Ongoing History Of New Music. It’s a music podcast (if you couldn’t tell from the title) and the host, Allan, was discussing how our musical tastes change as we start to age.

          He unpacked some long term, ongoing research that demonstrated the older we get, the further away from youth culture we go. As you start to hit my age *cough* 50 *cough* you are pretty much in full on nostalgia mode. No music will ever be as good as the music released in your late teens – mid 20’s.

          The only thing is, no music era is as good as the early to mid 90s right? I’m just stating a fact. These kids these days they have no idea what good music is.

          It’s a little like the workplace isn’t it? For as long as there has been multiple generations in a workplace, the older generation have blamed the youth for being lazy, for not wanting to work, for being entitled. Back to the podcast, even Socrates wrote about the terrible music that the youth played.

          Getting old and complaining about the youth is just a part of the circle of life.

          When we look at employee priorities, they change as we all move through different stages of our life. According to McCrindles Generations Defined Report our younger years are spent seeking out experiences (personal & work) and pursuing the things we love, when we have young kids we start seeking out flexibility to accommodate child care, schooling and having all our balls in the air. As the kids (& us) start to get older it’s about financial freedom and independence. When the kids leave home that wanderlust kicks back in and the flexibility to take frequent leave becomes important, and as we approach retirement factors such as the length of commute and work hours take priority.

          So let me guess, you’ve read this and thought “yeah all these younger workers just want to take holidays all the time” What if I told you that taking a gap year has been popular since the 18th century?

          The youth have always loved to travel and build experiences, it’s just for some generations, war, depressions and accessible transportation have got in the way.

          When we look at generational expectations of leadership is it a bad thing that our younger generations expect to be treated with fairness? To be consulted by changes that impact their livelihood? Be given feedback about performance? Be valued and included?

          My point is, every generation has some sort of issue with those younger than them. What a drag it is getting old

          If you would like a strategic approach tailored to your specific business needs contact us to arrange an obligation free chat about how we can help.Through impactful HR we create a positive employee experience every time.We aim to create future-focused, people centred HR solutions to accelerate organisational and employee wellbeing, engagement and performance by making HR easy.


          Unleashing the magic of HR

          Hey there HR enthusiasts! Grab your favorite coffee, settle into your comfiest chair, and let’s dive into the enchanting world of Strategic Human Resources! 🚀✨

          Picture this: we’re not just the HR wizard behind the curtain, but the maestro orchestrating the symphony of organisational success. Yes, that’s the kind of magic we’re talking about – the strategic HR magic that turns your workplace into a thriving Hogwarts of productivity!

          Spell 1: Engage-us Patronum!

          First up on our magical journey is the spell of engagement. Engage-us Patronum! Because let’s face it, engaged employees are like wizards with wands, ready to conquer the challenges of the workplace realm. It’s not just about organising team-building events; it’s about creating an atmosphere where your employees feel like the chosen ones in their career journey.

          Take a page from the Marauder’s Map – Engagement Champions style – and discover the secret passages to your employees’ hearts. Are they seeking more professional development? Or perhaps a touch of flexibility in their work schedule? Tailor your engagement spell to each individual, and watch the magic unfold. 🪄🪄

          Spell 2: Recruitment Leviosa!

          Next in our spellbook is the age-old charm of Recruitment Leviosa! In a world full of muggles and non-magical job seekers, it’s our job to identify the true superstars. We wave our wand (or, in this case, our recruitment chops) and summon the best talents to your organisation.

          But here’s the twist – think beyond resumes and cover letters. We can guide you through the magical forest of holistic recruitment. We consider values, behaviour, capability and transferable skills. It’s not just about finding the right person; it’s about finding the right magical match.

          Spell 3: Policyus Protego!

          Now, let’s talk about the protective charm – Policyus Protego! As an HR wizard, crafting policies and contracts is our way of casting a shield over your organisation. But, hold on – who said policies have to be dull and dreary?

          Infuse a bit of wizardry into your HR documents. We make them clear, concise, and dare I say, in your brand voice? Your employees will appreciate the effort, and it’ll make the magical rules of your workplace more digestible. Remember, a well-crafted policy is like a magical spell – it protects and guides without stifling the magic of creativity.

          Spell 4: Projectum Successum!

          Last but not least, the grand finale – Projectum Successum! The thrill of project solutions. It’s our chance to unleash our magical prowess on the challenges faced by organisations.

          We approach projects with the finesse of a seasoned wizard. Break them down into manageable tasks, sprinkle a bit of our HR magic, and watch as your project takes flight. Whether it’s revamping the onboarding process or introducing a cutting-edge employee experience program, every project is a chance to showcase our strategic brilliance.

          In conclusion, let’s embrace the strategic side of Human Resources with open arms and wands. Our role is not just about managing people; it’s about weaving a tapestry of enchantment that transforms workplaces into realms of unparalleled success.

          If you would like a strategic approach tailored to your specific business needs contact us to arrange an obligation free chat about how we can help.Through impactful HR we create a positive employee experience every time.We aim to create future-focused, people centred HR solutions to accelerate organisational and employee wellbeing, engagement and performance by making HR easy.


          Who we are